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Jessica: Already perfectly at ease!

Jessica: Already perfectly at ease!

Jessica Lopez, our delightful new civic service volunteer from INDIA for the 2024-2025 school year, is already thriving in her role!

Whether working on the school farm alongside the ewes or engaging with students in the classroom or outdoor, Jessica radiates positivity, always wearing a bright smile and embracing new challenges. From co-teaching English lessons, to pratical workshops outdoor with the BTS forestry management students or to actively participating in creative activities in socio-cultural education classes, she’s now definitely an enthusiastic and integral part of Campus life!

In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)
In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)

In some photos, students are posing with their bindis gifted by Jessica :)

Jessica Lopez, notre nouvelle volontaire internationale en Service Civique pour l'année scolaire 2024-2025, incarne charme et enthousiasme, s'intégrant déjà parfaitement dans son rôle sur le Campus AgriCorsica de Sartene. Qu'il s'agisse de travailler sur la ferme pédagogique aux côtés des brebis ou de s'impliquer auprès des apprenants en classe, Jessica rayonne de positivité, arborant toujours un sourire éclatant et acceptant avec enthousiasme chaque nouveau défi!

De la co-animation des cours d'anglais à sa participation active aux activités en extérieur avec les BTS Gestion Forestière ou aux activités créatives des cours d'éducation socio-culturelle, elle est devenue un atout inestimable pour notre communauté éducative!

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