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Jessica: Balancing Teaching, Nature, and Community Life

Jessica: Balancing Teaching, Nature, and Community Life

With the holiday season behind us, Jessica is back on campus, resuming her daily activities, which include teaching English and participating in agricultural operations. Always eager to embrace new opportunities, Jessica enthusiastically joins field trips with BTS Forest Management students or hikes (like this one with the 10th-grade class) to explore the island’s breathtaking beauty and share memorable moments with the community.

Jessica: Balancing Teaching, Nature, and Community Life
Jessica: Balancing Teaching, Nature, and Community LifeJessica: Balancing Teaching, Nature, and Community Life
Jessica: Balancing Teaching, Nature, and Community LifeJessica: Balancing Teaching, Nature, and Community Life

Les fêtes désormais terminées, Jessica a retrouvé le chemin du Campus et ses activités quotidiennes, rythmées par l’enseignement de l’anglais et son engagement dans les travaux de l’exploitation agricole. Toujours prête à saisir de nouvelles opportunités, elle n’hésite pas à participer à des sorties sur le terrain avec les BTS Gestion Forestière ou à des randonnées (comme ici avec la classe de Seconde) pour explorer les merveilles de l’île et partager des moments privilégiés au sein de la communauté.

Decorating the tree and celebrating her first Christmas in CorsicaDecorating the tree and celebrating her first Christmas in Corsica

Decorating the tree and celebrating her first Christmas in Corsica

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