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Uncovering Ancient Treasures: My Thrilling Day at Filitosa

Uncovering Ancient Treasures: My Thrilling Day at Filitosa

I had the privilege of starting my first day of vacation by experiencing an incredible adventure yesterday. We visited a fascinating spot at Filitosa, a historical site where a team of archaeologists conducted excavations to uncover insights into ancient...

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What did you miss? Qu'avez-vous manqué?

What did you miss? Qu'avez-vous manqué?

Time has flown by so quickly that it's time to catch up on what you may have missed in the life of our beloved international civic service volunteer, Adelaide. Alongside six colleagues from the Campus, Adelaide, alias Afia (that's her Ghanaian name) participated...

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UP/ Là-Haut

UP/ Là-Haut

Yesterday, Thursday, March 21st, we embarked on a pedagogical outing with forestry management students pursuing their Higher Technician Certificate: Louis, Romain and Emma. The day started at 8 am, beginning with a gathering in the classroom. Subsequently,...

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Rencontres du Volontariat International à Corte/ International Volunteer Day in Corte

Rencontres du Volontariat International à Corte/ International Volunteer Day in Corte

Last Wednesday, March 13th, 2024, our Campus had the privilege of attending a day dedicated to the inspiring testimonies and practical insights of young international volunteers. This event, which took place in Corte, orchestrated in collaboration with...

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Promoting international mobility at Leon Bujot Junior High School

Promoting international mobility at Leon Bujot Junior High School

Last Thursday, Adelaide and her awesome squad of international volunteers, Diana and Ayman, rocked the scene at another global workshop ! This time, they landed at Leon Bujot Junior High School, and guess who the other active participants were? A fantastic...

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First hike through the trails of Campomoro: Adelaide's perspective

First hike through the trails of Campomoro: Adelaide's perspective

Adelaide embarked on her first hike in Corsica with a group of agricultural high school students. Discovering the Corsican landscape from lush forest to rocky outcrops, that are as surreal as a Salvador Dali paintings, culminating in breathtaking panoramic...

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Empowering International Volunteers: A Comprehensive Training Program at the FALEP of Ajaccio

Empowering International Volunteers: A Comprehensive Training Program at the FALEP of Ajaccio

Delivered by FALEP - Lega di l'Insignamentu di Corsica (The League of Education in Corsica), this comprehensive training offered international volunteers a deeper insight into the foundational principles of the French Republic, the functioning of societal...

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Africa Networks and International Volunteers Meet at Campus Nature Provence

Africa Networks and International Volunteers Meet at Campus Nature Provence

Our Ghanaian volunteer, Adelaide, had the tremendous privilege of participating in the "National Meeting of Young Volunteers and International Civil Service" and the "National Training Course of the Africa Networks" from January 23 to 26, 2024. The event...

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Already in the loop/ Déjà dans le bain!

Already in the loop/ Déjà dans le bain!

A brief post to share with you the busy weeks of our civic service volunteer Adelaide on the AgriCorsica Campus. Since her arrival and the temporary loss of her luggage, a wave of solidarity has emerged towards Adelaide. Members of the community spontaneously...

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Benvenuti Adelaide! Welcome Adelaide! Akwaba Adelaide

Benvenuti Adelaide! Welcome Adelaide! Akwaba Adelaide

'Travel shapes youth' is a quote often so true! Thanks to them, we discover hidden treasures and unsuspected qualities within ourselves. Patience, the act of letting go, and a positive mindset! We've awaited this moment so eagerly, and she is finally...

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